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The Trump marriage in Buckingham, in the background, Princess Ana POOL

During a dinner at the palace, the princess stayed a step back while the Trump marriage greeted Isabel II, what happened?

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The NATO summit that has taken place these days in London has aroused a lot of rumors, almost all related to displacements towards the president of the United States, Donald Trump. Among them, the video that went viral yesterday in which it was assured that Princess Ana had refused to greet the leader during the reception at Buckingham Palace.

In the document you can see how the 93-year-old queen gestures to her 69-year-old daughter, while talking to Melania and Donald Trump, to which she responds by shrugging her shoulders and not approaching the group she was also in Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwalles. In spite of the speculation that has been unleashed in social networks and among some experts who follow the actuality of the British royal house, the explanation to the crossing of gestures can be much simpler.

According to one of the journalists who were present at the event, the queen was asking her daughter who was the next world leader they should receive, to which Princess Ana, who finished her shrug with a laugh, replied 'It's only me! ' ('I'm alone!).

"Here it goes ... the truth about Princess Ana. No, it didn't pass from the Trump or was scolded by the queen," explained Valentine Low, a journalist for The Times, on Twitter. "What the queen did, after greeting Donald and Melania, was to turn to see who was next, but there was no one else waiting: Trump was the last leader to be received. At that moment Ana raised her hands in the air , he laughed and said 'It's just me!', adding a moment later while pointing at the people around him: 'And all these'. "

Low, who acknowledged that the anecdote had been told by "the wonderful Laura Elston , a journalist for the Press Association and an observer as impartial as you can imagine," left a message to social networks for his speculation: "The truth is already told, but no one will pay any attention to her. Ana Trump's Pasota is a much better story. "

The act, in addition to the queen's daughter, was also the Duchess of Cambridge, but none of them were expected to be part of the formal reception, while Guillermo, on an official trip to Oman and Kuwait, and Meghan Markle and Enrique , on vacation, they didn't come.

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