The Restos du cœur are launching their new mobilization campaign. Invited from Europe 1, the president of Restos du Coeur, Patrice Blanc, warns about the risk of the decline in European subsidies. A new budget for the period 2021-2027 will be voted next year, and the European Fund for Aid to the Most Deprived could be reduced.


The Restos du cœur are launching this week their 35th mobilization campaign. Thirty-four years after their launch, one day in September 1985, during an improvised call on Europe 1 by humorist Coluche, the association continues to help the poor. This year, 900,000 people should benefit from the meals served by the Restos du cœur. The organization still needs support from individuals, but also from the European Union. The president, Patrice Blanc, fears the decline of Brussels subsidies.

"There is a huge stake, since the beginning of 2020 will be voted the European budget for 2021-2027.And there is a line, that of the European Fund for Aid to the Most Deprived, which today represents one out of four meals to Eating heart, "says the president. "The predictions of the former European Commission were bad."

Concerns despite new leaders

Despite the change at the head of the European Union, Patrice Blanc remains worried. "We had a reassuring message from the European Parliament," says the president. A fortnight ago, they welcomed in a center of Eating in Paris the President of Parliament, David Sassoli.

"He told us how important it seemed to him to maintain a European social policy," says Patrice Blanc. "But it is not the only one to decide, it is necessary that the heads of state and governments roll up their sleeves, and there is a worry for the moment."