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With a guarantee of 95% of the militancy, Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC) decided that there is no investiture of Pedro Sánchez to preside over the Government unless the PSOE addresses the "political conflict with the State through a table of negotiation". Some 8,500 militants were summoned in this internal consultation of the independence party that could be done telematically throughout the day and there was a 70% participation

In this way, the ERC bases believe that there should be no agreement unless the PSOE offers a dialogue recognizing that there is a "political conflict" of Catalonia with Spain, that these conversations are "equal to equal" and with institutional representatives of the Government and the Generalitat; that there is a calendar of actions and with guarantees to comply with what was agreed.

These are the conditions repeated until satiety by Republican leaders, such as the Vice President of the Government Pere Aragonès, since Friday it became known that PSOE and ERC had appointed interlocutors to try to uncover the investiture.

The spokeswoman for ERC, Marta Vilalta, reported that 95% of the militants who made use of the telematic vote opted for a 'yes' to the question "do you agree to reject the investiture of Pedro Sánchez if there is previously no agreement to address the political conflict with the State through a negotiating table? " That is why he considers that the bases reject the investiture in the current conditions and guarantee to negotiate Sanchez if he does not create a negotiating table, so now the Socialists must take the step.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • PSOE
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Catalonia
  • Spain
  • Politics
  • ERC

Junqueras policy demands a "democratic" negotiating table to the PSOE to invest Pedro Sánchez

PoliticsERC presses Pedro Sánchez with an express consultation with his militants about the investiture

PoliticsERC tries to drag Puigdemont to abstention in the investiture of Sánchez