On the occasion of the European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities, which starts on Monday, we are looking at technologies that facilitate the integration of deaf or blind people in companies.


Thanks to new technologies, people with disabilities are no longer automatically excluded from society. Anicet Mbida was interested on Monday, during the European Week for the employment of people with disabilities, ways to insert in the companies visually impaired and hard of hearing. Several applications that can be downloaded to mobile phones accompany them in their daily actions and allow them to see the world more easily.

"The good news is that for a long time they were extremely expensive equipment, hard to find, but today they are simple mobile phone applications, most of them free. a meeting, for example, when you are hard of hearing, it can be difficult to follow the conversations by reading on the lips.And now, there is an application that transcribes in text on his phone everything he says around himself. called Instant Transcription , developed using Google's automatic voice recognition technology, is a great application because it prevents deaf and hard of hearing people from being excluded from conversations.

Is there the equivalent for the visually impaired?

Yes, these are apps that this time use the phone's camera to replace the eyes of the visually impaired. It hangs around the neck, a helmet on the ears. The camera films everything in front of the person. And she describes it with artificial intelligence techniques. For example: 'a brown man, with glasses smiling'. She can also read documents, posters or bank notes. They pose, indeed, many problems today since they are very difficult to distinguish with the touch. Again, it's free. There are even several applications: Microsoft's Seeing.ai , Google's Lookout , SmartEyes or AiPoly Vision . "