The Halloween has had the cemeteries lit up around the county over the weekend. One issue that may be more noticed now than other times of the year is what will happen when you leave. Choosing cremation has increased a lot lately.

- But we also have our newlyweds and for them the faith and the church are even more important than for us in Sweden. They hold their burials hard with the coffin, says Paul Axelsson, a funeral counselor.

Despite this, he believes in a further increase in cremations and believes that one of the reasons may be to help his relatives when they die.

Fewer in the county than average

Across Sweden, 82 percent want to be cremated - a higher figure than Jönköping's 75 percent. What this is because Paul Axelsson thinks may have to do with the high free church in the county.

- Jönköping and Jönköping municipality is a very church-like village and it may have to do with the fact that the average is not so high, he says.

Shared sentences among the county residents

SVT was out and met Jönköpingsborger at Östra Kyrkogården where most of the respondents would choose cremation.

- For the survivors, a cremation can be a little smoother, you may put in a memorial grove, it will be a little easier, says Clas Brandt.

One who is not entirely sure is Gullvi Florin, she has not decided yet.

What are the benefits of burial?

- Previous generations have been buried, you believe you may be living another life since death. If you are burned, you have imagined that you will disappear altogether, says Gullvi Florin and thinks further.