Next week the Donation Week starts. It is a venture that will focus on the need for organs for transplantation to the sick - the hearts, lungs, kidneys, pancreas.

And get more people to answer the question if they want to donate organs after their death.

Many are waiting for a new organ

For the need is great. According to the National Board of Health, more than ever are waiting for a new body. Around 800 people in the country now queue up for a transplant and for some it is a waiting room for death. Last year, 30 people died while waiting for an organ.

For the supply far from enough. Last year, 182 deceased donated their organs.

Donation advice on the laser

The need is also great in Helsingborg. But only between one and eight helsing citizens a year donate one or more organs.

At the same time, Helsingborg laser is a hospital that has come a long way in its work on this issue. A special donation council has focused on the problem and ensured that staff are trained.

Joakim Ekstrand is one of the Helsingborg citizens who received a new kidney.

See him in the video above telling about life before and after the donation.