US President Donald Trump officially announced yesterday the death of Abu Bakr al-Badhadi, the head of the Sunni extremist armed Islamic state, yesterday.

President Trump made the comments in a statement issued by the White House earlier this morning.

According to Reuters, President Trump sent in US troops for the operation in an isolated region in northwestern Syria, and al-Bagadi killed himself with a suicide vest.

President Trump says the bomb vest burst when he reached a dead end tunnel while he was chased away and said he and his three children died.

President Trump said, "Alba Baghdad, who tried to threaten others, spent the last moment in complete fear and fear, terrified by the US military following him."

Trump also watched the operation with Vice President Mike Pence and Defense Secretary Mark Spur in the White House situation room, and said al-Bagadi died 'like a dog and a coward'.

President Trump says he can direct the world to release the video so that the world knows that al-Bagadi never died like a hero.

Al-Bagadi explained that the last moment was "crying and screaming and screaming."

The United States dispatched eight military helicopters to send special forces to the scene, as well as shootings.

Trump says the team conducted a DNA test after the operation and confirmed the identity of Al-Bagadi in 15 minutes.

Many of his colleagues have been killed in the operation, but the United States says there is no harm from US troops except for a single search dog.

Defense Minister Mark Esper says two US soldiers were injured but have already returned to mission.

Trump also thanked the Russian, Syria, Turkey and Iraq for their assistance.

Specifically, Russia opened the airspace necessary for the raid, and the Kurds provided useful information, Trump explained.

Trump said last night the United States has put the world's No. 1 terrorist leader in judgment, and "today reminds us that the United States will continue to track the remaining IS terrorists."

Earlier, foreign media reported that US troops secretly launched air strikes on Syrian insurgents targeting Tehran on Monday, with Trump's approval.

President Trump wrote on his Twitter night of the night that "a very big thing has just happened!" And the White House announced that Trump will issue a major statement the next day.

Al-Bagadi declared an IS establishment in Mosul, Iraq in June 2014, and Western intelligence has been tracking his whereabouts for five years.

In particular, the United States has pursued a $ 25 million bounty with US dollars, such as Osama bin Laden of al-Qaida, which led to the 11/11 terror attacks.

President Trump declared victory in March that he had liberated all of the IS-occupied territories in Syria and Iraq, but the war has continued.

Trump's recent formalization of the withdrawal of US troops from northern Syria has raised concerns about the possibility of an IS resumption, including the escape of some IS warriors trapped in Syria.

But Trump says the air strike "has nothing to do with the withdrawal of US troops from Syria," he said. He will not change his decision to withdraw from North Syria.