By RFIPalled on 10-25-2019Modified on 25-10-2019 at 23:29

Accelerated by the economic crisis, the Zimbabwean government is mobilizing its people to try to bring down the Western sanctions that weigh on the country.

Protest marches were held in several cities across the country this Friday, October 25, at the call of the government, to try to bend the European Union and the United States.

At the head of the procession is the wife of President Emmerson Mnangagwa. On the banners brandished by the crowd, the cry of desperation of the Zimbabwean population, which asks the West to " give them a chance " to save their economy in agony .

" Sanctions are a crime against humanity, " " Sanctions are a new form of slavery, " could be read on their banners. The Zimbabwean president then spoke to the crowd to denounce these measures " that eat away at the country like a cancer ".

In March, the United States chose to extend its sanctions , which target several companies and a hundred individuals, including President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Washington assures that these measures penalize mainly the farms and businesses owned by these people and that the bankruptcy of the Zimbabwean economy is primarily the result of the calamitous management of the country's leaders. For its part, the European Union says that these sanctions have no impact on the population.

In its "crusade" against Western sanctions, Zimbabwe can at least count on the support of SADC, the development community of Southern Africa, which has once again called for their complete lifting.

The disputed election of Emmerson Mnangagwa in August 2018 did not reassure Westerners, while Zimbabwe counted on lifting sanctions and foreign direct investment.

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