Israeli Occupation and Settlement of Palestine are illegal UN Reporter Oct. 25 10:38

A special rapporteur investigating Palestinian human rights at the United Nations reports that Palestinian people are suffering from serious food shortages and unemployment, and the international community acts to end illegal occupation and settlement activities by Israel. The idea that should be woken up.

Link Special Rapporteur, appointed by the United Nations Human Rights Council and investigating Palestinian human rights, submitted a report to the United Nations General Assembly and held a press conference at the United Nations headquarters in New York on the 24th.

The report points out that more than half of the population in the Gaza Strip of the Palestinian interim autonomous region, which continues to be blocked by Israel, suffers from a food shortage, and the unemployment rate for young people under 30 is 70%. The

At the interview, the link reporter reiterated that Israel's occupation and settlement activities were a violation of international law, saying, “Israel has no responsibility or explanation for the 52-year occupation of Palestine.”

In addition, the international community united and settled Israel as a result of recommending the United Nations measures such as restricting exports of products produced in Israeli occupation and publishing a list of companies dealing with Israel. He indicated that he should take action to end the activity.