Some things have certainly cleared up during the week. Brexit will not happen at midnight on Thursday. The British government has very reluctantly asked for an extension and the EU has said yes, albeit without giving a deadline yet.

Two months remain of the strangest year anyone can remember in British politics. The year may end with a new election - or not. Depending on whether the opposition Labor Party dares to meet voters with its two-fold stance on EU exit. The year may end with a budget being presented - or not.

The government seems to want to strike and refuse new proposals until they get through a new election. The year may end with Brexit - or not. It depends on how long the EU agrees. A card might push the British in Parliament to approve the exit agreement. A longer can give time for new elections, a new government and perhaps new conditions.

Sneaky road to Brexit

Five times Parliament has in different ways pushed the Brexit decision before it. I have been outside Westminster in almost all kinds of British weather - rain, hail, fog and yes, in fact also sun - and have tried to understand, explain and look at possible scenarios. For each door that has been closed during these three years, several new ones have been opened.

Seen from above, "The Road to Brexit" is a really creepy one. Few, if any, could have drawn up this unlikely maze beforehand. And I also have to accept that I cannot look into the future. But on Monday, we will again have new clues when Parliament votes on new elections. Maybe then we know a little more about where it is going. Or don't wear it.