Four civilians from one family were killed and 12 others were injured, some seriously, in an Egyptian army bombardment that hit their house in the village of Abu al-Araj, south of Sheikh Zuwaid, north of Sinai.

There has been no official comment from the armed forces or the Ministry of Health so far.

Al-Jazeera sources said that at about 9 pm Cairo time on Saturday night, a strong bombardment was heard on Abu al-Araj, one of the villages still inhabited by some families south of Sheikh Zuwayed city.

Sinai researcher Ahmed Salem said in a leaflet on his Facebook page that an Egyptian drone bombed the house of Juma Eid Salman in the village of Abu al-Araj, south of Sheikh Zuwayed, killing four civilians.

He added that what had been deliberately killed amounted to a war crime, aimed at forcibly displacing and emptying the area of ​​the population for suspicious targets of the regime and its regional allies.

The incident was the second of its kind in days, with nine people killed and more than a dozen injured in a car bomb attack on farmers from one family as they returned near the area of ​​Bir al-Abed.

Activists and politicians warn that these actions will increase the frequency of evictions and displacement suffered by the people of Sinai in recent years, where they are being killed by the regime and armed groups at the same time.

The regime strictly confines operations in Sinai and strictly prohibits media and press coverage.