Next year's G7 Summit to be held at Trump's resort facility October 18th 7:33

The American White House announced that it will hold next year's G7 Summit, the seven major summits, at President Trump's resort facility. There seems to be a growing criticism that President Trump will benefit from the president's position in holding at his facility.

The White House's Deputy Chief Malverny held a press conference on the 17th, and next year's G7 Summit = 7 major summits scheduled for June 10-12, President Trump near Miami, Southern Florida. Announced that it will be done at resort facilities centered on the golf course owned by the company.

The reporters asked a number of questions about whether President Trump would benefit from the position of the president, but Mr. Malbany said, “It was decided through the normal selection process. Will not make a profit, "he said.

President Trump is known for many years in the real estate business and has retired from management when he was appointed president, but his company still owns buildings, hotels, golf courses, etc. in various places, often used in public service doing.

This time, the leaders of each country gathered together, and there are also voices of doubt about holding the G7 summit visited by many people, such as people concerned and the press, at their own facilities, and criticism will increase as the official decision to hold it is.