After a speechless first period, Pontus Andreasson, 5 minutes into the second, manages to put the puck behind Myrenberg in the Västerås goal. The result is in the period of rest.

After a shaky start to the third period, the Leafs managed to get the right side of the game after a timeout and extend their lead to 2-0 after goals by Kristoffer Söder. Five minutes later, Västerås reduces and a few seconds later the fire alarm goes off in the arena, which is evacuated.

After just over 15 minutes, the audience is released again, after the rescue service checked that there was no fire, and the match resumed. Västerås picked the goalkeeper in the final minutes, something Sebastian Selin managed to use and put 3-1 in the empty box.

The match ended 3-2 then Västerås once again picked the goalkeeper and reduced by three seconds left of the match.

Björklöven now tops the table with Timrå after the first three rounds have been played.