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Alejandra Parejo . Mallorca, 1990. Working in advertising, he discovered that his thing is literature. He has just published his first novel 'A normal family' (Today's Topics) and is happy with the explosion of authors on the editorial scene.

Is there a normal family? No, there is the norm. There is no family that is normal, each one has its own things.In her novel, a daughter who hated her mother's submission, she becomes an adult and history repeats itself.Yes, Olivia in the present manages to understand all the decisions of her mother. When she grows up and realizes that she must meet the milestones that society expects of us, then she discovers that she has many fears and, probably, her mother also suffered them. At present, she reconciles, not with submission, but with the mistakes and successes of her mother and her father, both. Are there feminist women educated in machismo by their own mothers? Yes, it is what It happens and they are the contradictions that we have. I do not say that all families are macho, but we come from a generation in which women have worked hard to achieve all their rights. Olivia hears her mother telling her to be an independent woman and then sees what's at home. And the messages are different. It is like a slab that we carry our generation. If women face internal contradictions, how will they live it? Imagine that they cannot feel what we perceive in our bodies. In the novel I talk about menstruation, pregnancy ... Do women suffer more pressure? Yes, absolutely yes. The woman's path is much more complicated in every way. Having the power to generate life is wonderful, but there is not only pressure for motherhood but in everything. We have to work harder and prove that we are worth it. They are taken for granted in them. That should change. There are more and more voices against radical feminism. You have to read and document a lot to get an opinion. Who speaks of 'feminazi' and says that he does not believe in feminism but in equality he should read more. Feminism is a healthy and necessary movement that fights for the equality of women and men. Does feminism run the risk of going too far in its claims? This movement is very necessary and sometimes you have to break things so that everything is put back in the place it deserves, in this case the woman. Whoever has a problem with this movement should reflect on it. Maybe it's macho, I don't want to say that, but it's part of the education they've given us. Because the inequality that there was a few years ago ... Yes, my grandmother, who is very much in favor of feminism, told me that when she was young to go to open an account to the bank she had to go with her father and, when getting married, The one who made the decisions was her husband. Not so long ago. I recently read a story that told me that they wanted to change the female voices of the machines to which orders are sent, such as 'Siri' or car navigators. The people around me said but what nonsense! And it is not! It is that orders are still given to women; And it can't be. Do not see that it is anecdotal. It is not. We have advanced, but much remains to be done. In the literary landscape there is an explosion of authors. I am very happy and it seems wonderful what is happening. The woman is being given a voice, and between us we are supporting each other and we are forgetting the competition. Thus, we are talking about our concerns. It gives you peace and quiet to see that you are not the only one; we have similar fears. Have the voices of women been silenced? Some say 'it is that with feminism you have many opportunities'. Well, it just would not be that way! I'm glad. Will the proliferation of women writers be just a fad? I think not. It is the beginning so that we have the same opportunities. Hopefully it does not go out of style and remain forever. What happened before is that they had power and nothing interested in the opinion of women. Publishing the first novel is ... The best thing that happened to me. It seems typical, but it is so. All this year of editing and writing I have felt a happiness very similar to when you fall in love, the week before the novel came out, a fear and a vertigo ... you expose yourself. And now that it has been published, a lot of serenity and happiness. Are you afraid of being pigeonholed as an author for women? No, I'm not afraid, that people think and put me anywhere. I will continue writing what I feel. This is my first novel, but many more will come. I am happy to be among women and that women read to me. I hope men also read me so that they understand what happens to Olivia. How does the jump from advertising to literature? Mine has been naturally. I have always written to relieve myself and let off steam, but the publicity did not just complete me. I signed up for a narrative writing course and there I realized that what I like is writing stories and being able to play with emotions in a fictional world. This is the place I want to be, without a doubt. Will your work in advertising with literature work? Yes, I am freelance and I can organize. During the writing of the novel, there were days that I had to prioritize my work in advertising, but well it will be for now because many things have to be paid. How is your relationship with social networks? I get up and the first thing I do is read Twitter or see Instagram; I would like to change it. I'm a little scared that everyone can give their opinions from home without putting their face and without looking me in the eye; This at some point will have to be reorganized. Social networks have a very positive aspect because you can reach more people, but there is also a negative part: fake news, people who think of any matter without having a clue ... People read less. They say so, but they tell me I am going to make the idea that not because I want people to read a lot. We live in a society that goes very fast, we are very impatient, we continually have stimuli and it is more difficult to focus on the book. Literature is linked to silence and that people misbehave, but it is a good exercise to find oneself and leave aside these stimuli that make our brain a little crazy.

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