The wife of the President of the Republic is sponsoring the launch of a school for young adults without diplomas. She will speak to it personally several times a month, to talk about literature with the students.

Brigitte Macron returns to her first love: teaching, or almost ... The wife of the President of the Republic launches a school in the suburbs, in Clichy-sous-bois: "the Vocations Institute", a project supported by LVMH, for non-graduate adults.

Officially, Brigitte Macron will not be present for the official return Monday morning, but will come discreetly during the day to visit the establishment, before becoming more involved in the coming days. After a first week of welcome, the classes will begin, and Brigitte Macron, former French teacher, will come at least twice a month to talk literature to about fifty young people from 25 to 30 years.

>> READ ALSO - Brigitte Macron, from shadow to light

Interventions in the form of exchanges with students

The entourage of the first lady said that it will not be lectures. "It will be more thematic exchanges depending on the level and desires of students," said one of his relatives in Europe 1. These young people have often remained a long time away from school: dropouts, without diplomas, often at RSA ... They will benefit from paid training for 9 months. "It's a fragile public, but we will succeed if we get out of precariousness," blows one of the actors of this project.

This experiment is already called to renew itself. Brigitte Macron will participate in the launch of a second school in Valence, in the Drôme, running in 2020.