Translation of laws into English To examine specific measures Ministry of Justice, August 17, 4:57

The Ministry of Justice intends to set up a new meeting with related ministries and economic organizations next month to consider specific measures to translate Japanese laws into English.

With the globalization of business, the work of translating Japanese laws into English began 10 years ago, but the English translation of one law takes more than three years on average, so It remains at about 10% of the total.

In addition, the Ministry of Justice's experts' meeting recommends that the time required for English translation be significantly reduced, and that the knowledge of private companies, etc. be obtained to improve work efficiency.

For this reason, the Ministry of Justice will set up a new meeting with related ministries and agencies, economic organizations, and domestic and foreign legal experts next month to examine specific measures to make work more efficient.

At the conference, while referring to overseas cases, it is expected that the fields of laws and regulations that require urgent English translation and the specific use of AI = artificial intelligence will be discussed.