
August 16, 2019A 47-year-old prisoner, of Italian nationality, managed to escape escaping from Pertini hospital in Rome, where he was to undergo a health check. It is still unclear how he was able to evade the controls of the escort agents and escape, managing to leave the hospital handcuffed.

The men of the Penitentiary Police, together with the Carabinieri, the State Police, the Guardia di Finanza and the local police, are sifting through the capital, and above all the neighborhoods near the Rebibbia complex, where the man was detained.

"We are tired - commented the Penitentiary Union Coordinator - of denouncing evasions, attempts at evasion, aggression, derision, we are tired and perhaps even a little resentful of the deafening silence of the top management of the Department and of the Provveditorati and for this reason we have been asking the Government for some time the Regional Provosts of the Penitentiary Administration are alternated by the Prefects of the Provinces according to the law 121/1980. In these hours a convict is free, perhaps mixed among the common people and among the many honest citizens ".