“The London police press release published on the afternoon of August 15, which contains this information, raises nothing but questions. First of all, it is not clear why such an important circumstance became known only a year and a half after what happened, ”the diplomatic commentary says.

Russian diplomats drew attention to the fact that the London police this time did not give the name of the victim, although earlier they “willingly made this information public”.

“The information published today does not inspire any confidence. We regard it as a new attempt to bring at least some kind of evidence base under political guidelines pre-determined by the British government, ”the Russian embassy emphasized.

They also recalled that, in violation of consular conventions and legal aid treaties, Russian diplomats are still denied access to information about the status and whereabouts of Russian citizens Sergei and Yulia Skripaley.

Earlier in London it was reported that as a result of the Salisbury incident, a police officer was injured who arrived at the scene after the Skripals were poisoned.

British investigators have confirmed the presence of traces of "nerve agent" in a blood sample taken from a second police officer.