When you reach middle age, your body responds in unexpected new ways.This is a sign that it's time to take care of yourself better.

Lambeth Hochwald, in her report published by Reader's Digest, states that once you are in your forties, you may experience some changes to your body; you may have trouble sleeping or have to enlarge the font while writing emails because you can't see. Text well, so you should not feel depressed or frustrated, accept this change in your life, and start making some changes that will help you stay healthy throughout your life.

- Sleep well: According to the author that at the age of forty becomes the human body in need of rest and sleep for between seven and nine hours a night. In fact, prolonged sleep is not only linked to productivity, but also helps to get rid of bad eating habits.

"Sleep deprivation disrupts the work of our hunger hormones, which makes us feel hungry when we don't get enough rest," says dietitian Rachel Begon.

To get a good night's sleep, you should follow nightly habits that prepare your body for sleep, such as finishing exercise at least two hours before bedtime, turning off all screens an hour before bedtime, and avoiding anything that causes you stress.

- Drink more water: The author pointed out that with age, the health benefits of water become important for the body's energy and kidney function; because the metabolism begins to slow significantly during the forties.

"Water is essential for all functions of the body, so getting adequate amounts is important for maintaining the metabolic efficiency," Begon said.

It is recommended to drink eight glasses of water a day.This amount varies depending on physical activity, body composition and climate.Water-rich fruits - such as berries, tomatoes, watermelons and vegetables, including cucumbers and peppers - help keep your body hydrated.

Weightlifting: According to Rachel Straub, a physiotherapist in San Diego, weightlifting is at least two days a week is an important step that will help you maintain muscle mass, which is steadily declining at the age of 35; Metabolism and bone density. The aim of these exercises is to reduce the rate of muscle mass loss and strengthen the muscles around the joints.

- More protein: It is necessary to eat a high-quality protein, since we begin to lose our muscle mass from the beginning of the thirties, and this continues until the forties. We can find this type of protein in minced meat, eggs, chicken and even vegetable protein.

"Protein intake helps burn calories better," says Pigeon.

Taking care of your breasts: According to obstetrician and gynecologist Cherie Ross, breast cancer affects one in eight women, making early detection of the disease essential. In fact, most women should start and continue to have a mammogram at the age of 40, depending on family history, illness and risk factors. ”

- I love your heart: Dr. Ross suggests visiting an internal medicine specialist to see if you need to perform additional tests, such as an electrocardiogram, in order to avoid heart attacks.

- Smoking cessation: Despite the information about how dangerous smoking is to health, many people still smoke. In return, you should make sure that it is not too late to quit, and the benefits will be almost immediate to your health.

- Skin Examination: The author stated that when you reach the age of forty, you should visit a dermatologist to examine the mole annually because it may be difficult to know the difference between the mole, which is usually a sign of beauty and those that appear as a result of abnormal change of the skin. "Although the appearance of new patches on the skin as a result of the sun is common, the appearance of new moles at the age of forty is abnormal. This can be a sign of melanoma."

She advised the author to use a sunscreen and monitor the spots on the skin, as well as wounds that do not heal; because it may be the beginning of the appearance of skin cancers.

- Attention to your eyes: The author said that when we reach the age of forty weakens our eyes; so we may need to put glasses to read or adjust the font in our computer to a larger size.

"When we turn 40, we have a condition called presbyopia, which means that the eyes begin to lose their ability to focus more closely," said Marc Jacobt, clinical director of Lenzkrafters. You may feel tired after focusing on digital displays all day long, and headaches at the end of the day. "

As a result, you are likely to need reading glasses or multifocal contact lenses. You should also protect your eyes from sunlight because UV rays can damage the eye and cause macular degeneration.

Always make sure to rest your eyes frequently, especially if you suffer from so-called digital eye strain, because you are in front of the computer screen all day.