The strange fad of teenagers in Spain who are hurting the water is frowning.

On the 5th of local time, foreign media such as Spain Media El Periodico reported on the swimming pools that suffer from the sudden action of teenagers.

The fashion in question is the 'Hacer Caca' Challenge, which means 'seeing the stool'. I literally see the toilet in the pool, or put the toilet in the container and bring it to the swimming pool.

After some teenage children started to upload to the SNS like their own boast, the damage was settled by the pool side.
In fact, a water park in the Valencia region has been shut down twice during the past week due to feces being found in the swimming pool. Another pool closed its doors for four consecutive days.

A waterpark official said, "This is the first time I've been working for 19 years," he said. "It's hard to know exactly what caused the slightest incontinence of the user or the teenager hooligana, but if any problems arise, I will work. "

"We want to protect the image of the good tourist area of ​​our area and help people who use the facilities do not see damage."

It is 'news pick'.

(Composition = Jo Hye Hye editor)

(SBS New Media Department)