Riyadh-Sindh said the royal family should not be advised in public, after the international media blamed Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

In a television interview, Al-Sind said, "The advice has conditions, first that you are between you and the proponent, so if a person wants to advise the guardian, let him advise him directly if he can, and he should not advise openly and show the defect and defects of the imam, .

A group calling itself the Saudi Scholars Association recently called on Twitter to isolate the crown prince because Khashoggi was killed in a "hideous" manner that "runs counter to human morality and standards."

The body, which has made it clear that it is a problem of dissident clerics opposed to the government's Westernization program, said Saudi Arabia was facing "crises and problems" because of the "injustice and unfair policies that Mohammed bin Salman has taken on," citing the arrests of "clerics, preachers and writers."

The Middle East A website said that the body has been publishing data on Twitter since late September, and says it represents scientists and academic students, according to previous statements.