“The idea to write a memoir about the family of Saddam arose due to the fact that the description of the events that had engulfed my homeland relatively recently was cited with great distortion in most sources. As for the story of my family, it is often filled with fiction. To tell the truth is what became the main task facing me, as an author and as a participant in those events, ”she said.

According to the girl, in the days when Baghdad fell, the decisions of salvation were taken by women of the family, who were left without any protection.

“The escape plan was not prepared in advance. My mother decided that we should separate, it was very dangerous to move in one group. We could only rely on close people, the risks were very high. It’s very scary to remember, ”said Hussein Camille.

In February 2018, the former US ambassador to Libya and Kuwait, Deborah Jones, explained how Washington’s actions in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq, are explained.