“We know that Donald Trump is constantly under pressure from the influential part of the American establishment. And they perceive any contacts with the Russian president as evidence that Trump has a connection with the Kremlin. Because all the steps that America is taking in the foreign policy arena, in the context of military-strategic things and sanctions pressure, are strictly anti-Russian. Against this background, the normal attitude of the president, who, as we see, avoids criticism of Vladimir Putin, causes misunderstanding, ”the expert believes.

According to him, the President of the United States "makes any foreign policy step in the context of the domestic political situation."

“At the present time, when after the mid-term congressional elections the Republicans lost their majority in the House of Representatives, he does not want to create a reason for any investigations to be initiated against him again. Against the background of a provocation in the Azov Sea, the West is trying to consolidate that it’s Russia’s fault. And we hear various statements that our country behaves irresponsibly. Therefore, Donald Trump understands that his meeting with Vladimir Putin will be perceived ambiguously, ”concluded Danyuk.

Earlier, Trump said that cancels the meeting with Putin at the G20 summit. According to the head of the White House, he made such a decision in connection with the incident in the Kerch Strait.