“Trump linked the meeting with Putin with the investigation by the US administration of the incident in the Kerch Strait. At first, he said that, on the basis of this investigation and the information received, he would decide whether to meet with the Russian leader or not, then canceled the meeting. Poroshenko took it as a kind of victory, his personal and country. The cancellation of the meeting allowed him to conclude that Trump supports Ukraine, ”said the expert.

Nevertheless, Topornin noted that "it is very difficult to influence someone directly on US foreign policy."

“We see that the European Union tried to influence the States in the framework of the conflict on duties, China tried. Ukraine also wants to make the United States tighten the screws in more pressure on Russia. However, I strongly doubt that it is possible to so easily influence the position of Donald Trump, ”he concluded.

Earlier, Poroshenko commented on Trump’s decision to cancel the meeting with Putin at the G20 summit with the phrase “this is how great leaders act.”