“The fact that the conditions for the lifting of sanctions did not appear is not news and not a secret. It is clear to everyone that the sanctions against Russia are a kind of consensus. Not only about the fact that they can not be canceled, but also about the fact that you can not introduce new ones. In Europe, there is no desire to somehow worsen relations with Russia, many countries adhere to this position. But there is no desire to improve them, ”said the expert.

Bruter noted that “Europe automatically or even mechanically extends sanctions, considering that the situation as a whole remains fairly stable and on this occasion no one is particularly experiencing it.”

“It does not worry because (Europe) has already understood that Russia has adapted to the sanctions. After the beginning of import substitution and the ban on the import of part of food products from the EU, Russian agriculture made a leap forward, and European lost more than $ 35 billion. . Russia will not lag behind neither technologically, nor economically, nor financially. Europeans are left alone with their troubles and no one will come to their aid, although Russia has always been interested in peace and order in Europe, ”he concluded.

Earlier, the participants of the European Union summit concluded that now there are no conditions for lifting or easing sanctions against Russia imposed due to the Ukrainian crisis.