“It is wonderful to call what is happening democracy when it does not happen to you. But when it takes place in your country and you yourself have to make excuses for the problems in the creation of which, in one way or another, took part, then this is a statement by ultra-right activists and their illegal behavior, in which the residents are not involved. That was the version after the Chemnitz case. Therefore, in the statement of Angela Merkel there is a certain slyness, since it is impossible to stand aside, anyway, you need to comment. Well, such an interesting strategy has been chosen, ”he said.

According to the expert, "Merkel understands that the demands of the protesters in Paris have exclusively French soil and are impossible to repeat in Germany."

“Therefore, she speaks in a similar way, paying attention to a sharp agenda, but without giving any support to her European colleague Emmanuel Macron. This is a calculated statement, fairly weighted, and most importantly, non-binding. That is, Merkel calls for peace, so that there is no pogroms and violence, obviously, there is also violence towards the protesters. Of course, having said these words, she showed that she was in the know, but did not say anything. This means that the problem, in her opinion, is not pan-European and, in fact, she does understand Macron that he should deal with his problem on his own, ”concluded Asafov.

Earlier, Merkel called the protest actions of the movement "Yellow vests", held in various regions of France, part of democracy.