By RFPosted on 26-11-2018Modified on 26-11-2018 at 22:26

In South Africa, the government had been talking about this for years and it's done: the country now has a national minimum wage. The head of state Cyril Ramaphosa confirmed Monday the law establishing a minimum wage throughout the country. It is now set at 20 rand an hour, or 1.27 euro per hour, which should be applicable from 1 January 2019. That's not enough, say the unions, but it's a start .

According to the unions, 6 million South Africans should be affected by this minimum wage. It should affect all workers in the country except in some sectors that already have their own wage schedule, such as domestic workers or agricultural workers.

For years, the government has been talking about its promises to reduce inequality and its fear of frightening foreign investors.

For its supporters, this minimum wage will help tackle poverty. Critics, on the other hand, believe that, on the contrary, this minimum income is likely to increase unemployment - which is already at 27% - because many employers can not afford to raise their wages.

In any case, most unions welcomed this announcement even if they believe that this salary is far from being a sufficient income.

The government has admitted that this is by no means a living wage, but says it is a first step in reducing poverty in the most industrialized country on the continent.

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