The writer met 45 of his readers on Wednesday, October 24, 2018, in Planet'R, Saint-Lô. The opportunity to present his latest book, "Double-Heart", and meet the members of the association Read and Read, which he founded.

"Do not hesitate to live! This is the precious advice that Alexandre Jardin, author of twenty best-sellers, lavished on the 45 readers who came to meet him at the Planet 'R in Saint-Lô on Wednesday, October 24, 2018.

The writer came at the invitation of this bookstore but also to meet Mancho members of the association Lire et faire lire, of which he is the founder. In full conference, he received a bouquet of flowers of a certain Suzanne. "The woman of my life," he said, very moved.

Alexandre Jardin then dedicated his new book Double-Coeur , his "last romance novel" and told a rain of singular anecdotes.