Although the United States already has a special visa to attract foreign doctors to treat Americans in rural areas, a new report suggested expanding this to include all skilled migrants who wish to reside in areas facing long-term population problems.

According to a new report by the Economic Innovation Group - a research center funded largely by technology and business investors - migration from distressed areas has become biased to skills.

"For every college graduate added by the fastest-growing counties, the fastest growing counties add graduates, and by 2037, 67 percent of US counties will have fewer working-age adults than in 1997," the report says.

A worker at a farm in California (Reuters-Archive)

Neil Irwin, a New York Times columnist, said the slowdown in growth in America's working-age population was one of the main reasons many analysts expected to be negatively impacted on the economy, which would expand by 2 percent a year instead of 3 percent Twentieth century. With a simple calculation, the decline in employment growth is likely to mean slower growth of economic output.

"For many years, American economists have been talking about Japan and Western Europe as places where there is a mismatch between the number of retirees and their younger generations, which has brought about a demographic change that is a major obstacle to the economy," Irwin said.

The Economic Innovation Group report contains new details showing that parts of the United States are already grappling with the threat of Japan's demographic decline, which applies to 41 percent of US counties with a total population of 38 million.

In its report, the group suggests that visas be opened for skilled workers in all provinces, taking into account that these provinces have the freedom to participate in the program and not to force them if they oppose the project.

It says the program must primarily target stagnant or demographically depressed areas.

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The report also suggests that no restrictions should be placed on labor to allow visa holders to compete in the labor market as long as they remain in the targeted geographic areas, and this is a way to obtain a permanent residence card in the United States.

The report says that the availability of permanent residency will be a very strong attraction, adding to the current skilled visas and not a substitute for them. The report did not specify the details of the jobs required, but left the door open to the authorities.

The issue of immigration is a controversial point during the administration of US President Donald Trump, who sought to reduce their levels. But as the United States faces further demographic decline, this is an option for legislators who are trying to help the hardest-hit areas of demographic decline and then economic performance, which will be reflected negatively at the national level.