If Germany would join the Chinese Huawei Group in the expansion of the fast 5G mobile network, the exchange of intelligence information and other data could no longer be the same extent: This was written by US Ambassador Richard Grenell in a letter to Economy Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU). The head of the Union faction has now clearly rejected the threat.

The foreign policy spokesman for the Union's parliamentary group, Jürgen Hardt, told SPIEGEL: "We also have a clear view of our security interests in the new digital network - our goal is to build the safest and best network possible for Germany." The Wall Street Journal reported on the letter to Altmaier.

Even more clearly formulated the Parliamentary Managing Director of the Union faction in the Bundestag, Michael Grosse-Brömer: "This federal government needs no request or advice from the American ambassador to take security policy meaningful steps," he said.


Michael Grosse-Broomer

"Objectively unfounded"

Grosse-Brömer said he was "very sure that it is precisely the security policy principles that can be competently resolved by the federal government itself." There is no need for any indications from the American ambassador in this respect. " There are efforts to find a solution at Huawei. If it comes to difficulties in the German-American relationship, "in the final analysis, the Chancellor (Angela Merkel) with the American President can also speak directly."

Hardt said the intelligence cooperation with the US was strong and in mutual interest. "I believe a connection with the awarding of 5G licenses in Germany is constructed and objectively unfounded," he said.

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