He noted that he had already “seen” what sanctions against Russia had already been agreed upon, reports “Ukrinform”.

“These will be personal sanctions. But she will announce them (Federica Mogherini). The discussion on possible other measures continues, and it continues here, at the level of the European Union, and it continues with individual EU member states, ”the diplomat said.

According to him, Ukraine is counting on the introduction of restrictions on access for Russian ships to European ports.

“There are ideas here too. This is also discussed. But when they are introduced ... I understand that the decision will take effect in a few weeks, and which one - Federica Mogherini will say. We are not yet members of the European Union, ”added Klimkin.

Earlier, the head of EU diplomacy Federica Mogherini confirmed the achievement of a political consensus on new individual anti-Russian sanctions.

As stated in Slovakia, the new EU measures in connection with the incident in the Kerch Strait provide for the expansion of individual sanctions.

At the Austrian Foreign Ministry, these sanctions were called soft.