Ten young Iraqis were found Tuesday, October 23, 2018 in the semi-trailer of a German truck driver, near Louviers, in the Eure. They were taken in charge by the Border Police.

The driver came from Germany via Belgium. He stopped at Dunkirk Monday evening, October 22, 2018. Tuesday morning, near Louviers, in Eure, the driver hears suspicious noises in his trailer, reports the site actu.fr. He stops at a parking lot at the edge of the departmental road 6 015, and dials 17. Quickly, a police escort joins him and leads him to the Val-de-Reuil police station. It was only then that the driver and the police discovered the ten young Iraqis, about twenty years old.

They had slipped the day before in the trailer without the knowledge of the road. Ignoring their original destination, the police of Val-de-Reuil then entrusted them to the police at the borders.