The fifth generation mobile Internet 5G is expected to be launched around the world. While everyone would like to take advantage of this service for fast Internet, others wonder if the new technology will come at the expense of health.

The fifth generation of cellular networks will use high frequencies. The range will be extensive as users can transfer more data capacity at multiple times than is currently available and faster than the standards of older mobile phones, up to 10 Gbps.

Ericsson expects that by 2024, more than 40 percent of the world's population will use fifth-generation technology.

However, the supply of high-speed VLAN networks is complicated by short-wave waves, which require wireless transmitters to be installed in several locations. So we have to be prepared for the fact that, in addition to network towers already distributed throughout the country, it will also be necessary to install antennas to strengthen the signal in order to ensure the operation of fifth generation networks.

These antennas will be installed frequently in the streets and many other places, which means it is difficult to avoid the effect of the resulting permanent rays.

Many previous studies of the second, third and fourth generations of cellular networks have shown that electromagnetic fields can have effects on the human body similar to stress, causing damage to sperm and neurological and psychological effects. Scientists believe that the harm of this technology is not limited to people, but also to animals and plants.

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A study by a former American study revealed a clear link between electromagnetic fields and cancer in mice. The animals were placed in the fields of electromagnetic nine hours a day and over 24 months, she said. Experts noted changes in the nervous system Brain and heart in mice.

When high-frequency electromagnetic fields are used in the fifth generation of cellular networks, Darren says, the situation seems much worse than the current mobile phone frequency.

Some scientists warn of the dangers of this in children in particular, because the skulls and thickness of children at that age lead to exposure to radiation very high.

What to do?
The Federal German Radiation Protection Office has requested a comprehensive examination of the health risks of fifth-generation technology. Last Tuesday (March 19, 2019) authorities used the fifth-generation mobile network license auction to advise consumers on how to protect themselves from radiation.

"With increased data transfer capacity, exposure to radiation should be reduced when you dial and surf the Internet as much as possible," the Federal Office for Radiation Protection said. "Those who have a landline should use it to make phone calls." The office said it would prefer to use the mobile phone for as little time as possible, and to use text messages instead of talking over the phone.