
In a situation where the North Korea-US negotiations are stalled, the United States is now putting pressure on the North for pressure on human rights violations. Including Choi Young-sun, the second-in-command of the regime, to the sanctions list.

Washington correspondent Jeong Hae Seok reports.


The high-ranking North Korean delegates added to the list of sanctions against North Korea for human rights violations are Choi Young-sun, the vice chairman of the Workers' Party, Chung Kyung-taek, the National Bureau of Labor, and Park Kwang Ho.

The US Treasury Department explained that Choi Young-sun, vice chairman of the North Korean regime, is in charge of the organization of the Labor Party, which is the censor organization.

Chung Kyung-taek, the head of the government, and Park Gwang-ho, the spokesperson for propaganda, have also been on the list because they are in charge of censorship, human rights violations,

The US sanctions on North Korean human rights are the fourth in July 2016, followed by Kim Jong Eun as the head of the State Council, the deputy head of the Kim Il-jung Labor Party in January last year, and the Jung Young-soo Labor prize in October last year.

As a result, the number of US sanctions against North Korean human rights has increased to 32 individuals and 13 institutions.

If you go for sanctions, your assets will be frozen and transactions with Americans will be prohibited.

Treasury Secretary Maskushin stressed that the United States will continue to take action against human rights violators around the world, saying he has continued to blame North Korea for human rights violations and restrictions on freedom.

The US government 's move is interpreted as a message that it will not slow down sanctions and pressure until North Korea' s complete denuclearization.