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A visitor at the start of the bathing season at the Wannsee lido

Photo: Sebastian Gollnow / dpa

During the traditional bathing for the summer season at the Wannsee lido on Good Friday, some people went into the still very cold water. The pool opened at 10:00 a.m. in the morning, and shortly afterwards the first bathers began to frolic in the Wannsee in Berlin. Some appeared in standard bikinis and swimming trunks, others wore costumes or colorful hats. The pool had set up two mobile saunas to warm up cold visitors.

More crowds are expected, especially on Saturday, when there will be sunshine and 22 degrees Celsius. Then the beach chairs can be used free of charge. The bathroom had announced that it would hand out sweets to children at the entrance and hide small surprises in the bathroom on Easter Sunday or Easter Monday.
