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Video duration 03 minutes 03 seconds 03:03

International newspapers and news websites covered extensively the repercussions of the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip, the resulting humanitarian crisis that reached the point of famine, and the escalating dispute between Tel Aviv and Washington.

The American newspaper "Los Angeles Times" said in its editorial that famine in Gaza is imminent, noting that "the killing of more than 32,000 Palestinians, and the grief and misery experienced by the survivors, is not only tragic, but unjustified."

The newspaper demanded, “The United States immediately uses its influence to end this madness, and then the floating port ordered by US President Joe Biden can be built, and its completion will take a few weeks.”

The American newspaper "The New York Times" touched on the demands of the authorities in Gaza "to stop airdrops and increase aid deliveries by land."

She indicated that this claim came after eyewitnesses reported that 12 people drowned off the northern coast, while trying to retrieve aid dropped in the sea, adding that it is not clear which country is responsible for the airdrop operation in question.

Security Council resolution

As for the Chinese Global Times editorial, it said that no party should ignore the UN Security Council’s decision to cease fire in Gaza, because these decisions are binding on all countries, and the United States should take the initiative to implement it.

The newspaper asked, "If Security Council resolutions are not binding, as the US Ambassador claimed, why does Washington resort to repeatedly vetoing them?"

The British Guardian newspaper considered in its editorial that the United States’ abstention from voting against the Security Council resolution on Gaza - last Monday - was an important symbolic moment.

She added, "But it seems that little change will result from this, unless the United States takes substantive measures, because complaining about human suffering is meaningless when it continues to provide the weapons that caused the disaster."

For its part, the American magazine "National Interest" published an article by researcher Leon Hadar, in which he said that moderate politicians in Israel must understand that if they fail to convince the majority of Israelis that an independent Palestinian state will not pose any threat to Israel, then the United States is unable to perform this task. task on their behalf.

He also explained that the idea that Biden would come to the aid of those seeking to remove Netanyahu from power “is just wishful thinking.”

'Diplomatic error'

In its editorial, the Hebrew newspaper "Jerusalem Post" considered the decision of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to cancel the visit of a high-level delegation to the United States a major diplomatic error and a short-sighted step.

She added that the decision indicates that a missed opportunity for Israel deprives it of influencing opinions, and prevents it from clarifying its position directly to the United States and exploring alternative strategies for the complex situation in Gaza.

As for the Hebrew newspaper "Haaretz", it stressed in its editorial that Israel's war on the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) should not turn into a second Palestinian Nakba, because that generates revenge.

“The prolonged occupation and construction of settlements in Gaza would constitute a war crime and a moral crime, which will only exacerbate the conflict and make Israel hated around the world,” she added.

Source: American press + Israeli press + British press + Chinese press