What if the vaccination was now done in a nightclub?


Yan Xin / Costfoto / Sipa USA / SIPA

The National Union of Discotheques and Leisure Places (SNDLL) proposes to make available the 1,600 establishments in France and overseas to "transform them into an emergency vaccination center for the entire population".

“Stopped since March 13, 2020, nightclubs represent to date the business sector most affected by the economic consequences of Covid-19,” said union president Patrick Malvaes, in a press release Monday.

After having "mobilized its members", the SNDLL "invites all public authorities and all municipalities wishing to do so to get in touch now with (its) operators", he continues.

They "will obviously be delighted to contribute to the acceleration of the vaccination system, an essential health step for the normal resumption of activity in the country and the reopening of our establishments".

An adaptation for lack of opening

According to the employers' union, "no other business is so well suited to welcoming a public with distancing and safety rules" and "such a national requisition seems quite natural", in order to "do everything possible at the service of public health and beyond the resumption of activity in all establishments by summer 2021 at the latest ”.

According to the SNDLL, as of January 20, 2021, "more than 100 liquidations and 300 recovery procedures or voluntary closure decisions affect the sector" and "413 discos are in the process of disappearing definitively in all likelihood, or one in four discotheques".

"The reopening of nightclubs - like all businesses in France - is becoming an absolute necessity".

However the pandemic makes "currently unthinkable" an "opening of establishments in degraded mode with protocol", admits the union of discotheques.


Confinement in Nîmes: The manager of a nightclub accused of having opened his establishment arrested


Confinement in Nîmes: The manager of a nightclub accused of having opened his establishment arrested

  • Vaccine

  • Covid 19

  • Nightclub

  • Coronavirus

  • Society

  • Nightclub