Near the summit of Mt. Tokachi, Hokkaido, the best time to see the autumn leaves on the snowy side October 9th, 21:28


On the morning of the 9th, the temperature dropped to below freezing in Hokkaido for the first time this season, and while snow was piled up near the summit of Mt. Tokachi in the Daisetsu mountain range, the autumn leaves were in full bloom on the hillside, and a magnificent view of nature was seen.

It is the Daisetsu mountain range of Hokkaido taken from a helicopter on the 9th.

There are many mountains that represent Hokkaido such as Mt. Asahidake.

The area around the summit of Tokachidake, which is 2077 meters above sea level, is covered with white snow.

Hokkaido on the morning of the 9th was the coldest in the fall in a wide area, and the temperature dropped to below freezing for the first time this season in Hokkaido, such as observing minus 0.2 degrees Celsius at the foot of Furano City at the foot of Mt. Tokachi.

In contrast to the snow-covered mountain peaks, maples and quercus crispula are in full bloom on the hillside of Mt. Tokachi.

Now, Tokachidake can enjoy autumn and winter at the same time.