Within a couple, desire is not acquired. In the program "Sans Rendez-Vous", on Europe 1, doctor Damien Mascret looks at the different means of reviving and maintaining his libido. 

Sometimes days, weeks or months go by without a couple having sex. This may be due to the low libido of either partner. A frustrating situation, especially if you avoid the subject for too long. Damien Mascret suggests giving more importance to the crucial passage from a non-erotic moment to the erotic phase. The doctor and columnist of Europe 1 provides some advice on the program Sans Rendez-vous to rekindle desire. 

Above all, you have to pay attention to a step that we often forget: the transition. This is the transition from the non-erotic phase to the erotic phase. Professor Edison, an American scholar, calls this "sex choreography". In other words, before entering the dance you have to invite your partner or partner. This is also the first condition that women mention in order to approach sexual satisfaction: to feel connected with their partners, even before the relationship begins.

Do not take sex for granted

To go into erotic mode, several conditions must be met and questions must be asked. First of all, do I feel wanted? If you don't feel wanted, you don't go into erotic mode. This means that not only the partner must manifest his or her sexual desire, but above all, upstream, express other feelings: love, affection, respect. In any case, something of the order of connection is necessary and not that the sexual relationship is taken for granted.

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In a couple we obviously have the right not to want and not to know why we do not want. It is therefore necessary that the partner expresses his desire. This can especially go through the gaze. In some couples we sometimes realize that after a while we no longer look at each other. In others, the way one or the other looks at their partner, with eyes full of love or desire, is blatant.

Avoid too much carelessness

The other question to ask yourself is whether you yourself make an effort to be desirable. We often behave in a relationship in a way that we would not have dared at the beginning of the relationship. It is necessary to avoid the carelessness, there is nothing sexy to be sprawled in tracksuit on a sofa… Sexuality is not only a mechanism of the body, it is first of all a chemistry of the emotions.

We can also ask ourselves the question of whether we are satisfied with what is happening in bed, or not. If the way you have sex is okay with you, that's okay. Otherwise, we have to accept the idea that we want to change our habits and then find ways to do so. In any case, it is a good sign, it means that we take our sexuality in hand.