A recent study has found that patients can hear what they are told when they are dying.

Even when the patient is unconscious and close to death, the sense of hearing continues to work, and he can hear what loved ones say to him.

The study, conducted by the University of British Columbia, revealed that it focused on patients who move from life to death, when the body begins to close, rather than people who enter into a coma, according to the "Times" report.
The study is the first of its kind, which conducts tests on hearing in the subconscious, as life comes to an end.
The researchers measured electrical activity in a diseased brain, with a cap containing 64 electrodes sensors.
They identified brain signals generated in response to complex tone changes, by playing a series of tone patterns for a young and healthy group, before repeating the test to a small number of patients.

The researchers checked the same signals when the patient was responsive and unresponsive, and found that the brain activity between the two conditions is very similar, in addition to the activity in the control group
and some patients showed brain activity, which was slightly more complicated.

It is not known whether the patient can understand what he is hearing, or whether he can simply hear the words.

The main stomach, Elizabeth Blondon, said patients who pass from life to death may recognize their favorite music track.

The study can explain stories about patients waiting for their loved ones to get to bed, before death.
Blondon added that the patient cannot smell or taste anything after losing consciousness.

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