Fourteen doctors published a column Sunday demanding the compulsory wearing of the mask in all enclosed public places. They believe this measure is most likely to prevent a second wave of coronavirus contamination. Co-signers, doctors Jimmy Mohamed and Karine Lacombe explain themselves at the microphone of Europe 1. 


They demand "the compulsory mask" in closed public places. Faced with the relaxation observed in recent weeks in the respect of barrier gestures, and a multiplication of alerts on a possible restart of the coronavirus epidemic, fourteen doctors claim Sunday in a tribune to the "Parisian" that the wearing of the mask be made compulsory in enclosed public places. "Let us not wait for the situation to degenerate before acting!", Calls doctor Jimmy Mohamed, signatory from the podium, at the microphone of Europe 1. 

"We are in a crucial period"

"We are in a crucial period. We have a lot of information, we know the disease, certain means of prevention. We have all the tools available to be involved in our health," adds infectious disease specialist Karine Lacombe.

Saturday evening, A large crowd gathered for a large outdoor concert organized in Nice, mostly without masks and without any social distancing. "We want to live normally, it is understandable. But that can also mean that these people release the barrier gestures in their everyday life ...", regrets Jimmy Mohamed. However, he stresses that if the high risk of contamination in enclosed spaces has been established by several studies, doubt persists on outdoor gatherings. "We had fears at the time of the music festival, and there was no massive contamination. This can mean that outside, the risk is relative."