Go Iyama Triple Crown Honnobo Battle 9th consecutive title 7th title consecutive title 2nd place Thailand 9th July 20:52

Yuta Iyama Triple Crown of the Go defended the title by defeating the challenger Shibano Toramaru Triple Crown in one of the seven major titles, the seventh match of the Honinbo war, and the second consecutive tie as the seven consecutive titles Achieved 9 consecutive wins.

One of Go's seven major titles, the seventh match of the Honinbo war is Yuta Iyama Triple Crown (31) who has the title, and young top go player Shibano Toramaru Triple Crown (20) challenged, so far Iyama Triple Crown 3 I was close to winning one more victory as I won and lost the title.

The 5th station, which took place in Mie Prefecture from the 8th, was the 12th at 6:12 pm on the 9th, with 243 hands left, and the white-crowned Iyama Triple Crown won the fourth and a half goals. Iyama Triple Crown decided to defend the title with 4 wins and 1 loss, and achieved the ninth consecutive victory in the Honinbo match.

According to Japan Shoin, the most consecutive titles of Go's seven major titles were "10 consecutive titles" in the Honinbo war, which was accomplished by Isao Zhao's honorary celebrity (64) in 1998. It will be the record of the second place Thailand after the second.

After the game, I crowned three crowns, "I had to fight for each of the nine consecutive titles, so it was a straightforward impression that I was able to come this far. Against the strongest Shibano I am very happy that I did my best and achieved good results."

Shibano Triple Crown just reached the "Triple Crown" at the age of 20 years and 7 months, which is the youngest in history on the 26th of last month, but the "Four Crowns" in this Honinbo Battle did not become.