Five months after he fell into the Yellow River and was rescued, he found a benefactor    The
   rescued said, "Tell the children about the rescue of the PLA in the future."

  On June 3, Wang Zhaoli, a citizen of Mengjin County, Henan, finally saw Zhou Zhaoqian, the benefactor who saved his life five months ago, and the squad leader of a brigade of the 83rd Army.


  In winter, even people took the car into the Yellow River

  On June 6, Wang Zhaoli recalled to the Beijing Youth Daily reporter that on January 6, he drove to play near a wetland park in Mengjin Huimeng Town, parked his car by the Yellow River, and just walked out more than ten meters before he realized When he didn't pull the handbrake, the car was sliding into the river. "I first wanted to push the car. When I found it was not working, I opened the door and stepped in half to get the handbrake. At this time, I fell into the Yellow River with the car."

  Wang Zhaoli said that he can't swim. After falling into the Yellow River, the water flow is very urgent. In addition, during the winter, the river water is cold and biting. "I shouted for help and threw myself in the water, but my feet were empty, and I felt like I was going to finish."

  Just when Wang Zhaoli felt desperate, a man jumped into the water and caught him. "I didn't pay attention to who saved me at that time. When the man drew me to the shore, the people on the shore threw a thing, let us grab it, and just got us on the shore."

  After going ashore, the dynasty stood for a while and then came to a halt. At this time, he thought of looking for the kindhearted man who had saved himself just now. "After searching for a long time, I didn't find the person who saved me. I also wondered if he would change clothes. He would come back later, but he didn't see anyone after a long wait." Wang Zhaoli said, he was then Asked the people around, the onlookers said that the rescuer was a young guy, and some onlookers said that he was a soldier, but did not know the specific name.

  Before leaving, Wang Zhaoli specially obtained a video from a bystander when he was rescued. "Unfortunately, this video is very vague, and I can't see people's faces."

  People's Liberation Army

  At that time, I didn’t think about it

  In the following months, Wang Zhaoli has been looking for helpers through various means. "A friend reminded me that I can ask the Veterans Affairs Bureau."

  Li Wenchao, a staff member of the Veterans Affairs Bureau of Mengjin County, told the Beiqing Daily that in April of this year, he received a call from Wang Zhaoli, "At that time, we contacted some local PLA troops."

  It is reported that the rescuer was Zhou Zhaoqian, the squad leader of a certain car company in a certain brigade. On the afternoon of June 5, a reporter from the Beiqing Daily learned from the troops of Zhou Zhaoqian that the troops did not know until they received help information from the Veterans Affairs Bureau. Zhou Zhaoqian did something to save people.

  On January 6th, Zhou Zhaoqian happened to go home on vacation. "At the time, I was walking by the Yellow River, and suddenly I heard a loud noise behind me, and then I saw someone thumping in the water. I realized that someone was falling into the water, and I jumped into the river to save people without thinking." Zhou Zhaogan recalled. At that time, he was about ten meters away from Wang Chaoli, but the Yellow River was very rushing and the water temperature was very low. He felt cold all over when he was swimming. "When I caught the person who fell into the water, he responded instinctively because of his survival instinct. Let me take a sip of water, and I quickly pulled him and sent him to the shore with all my strength."

  When approaching the shore, Zhou Zhaoqian received the pole from the shore, "I held the pole in my right hand and the person in my left hand, and I landed on this way. At that time, I felt my body's strength was gone. After landing, , I think the clothes are all cold water, especially cold, plus seeing his condition is relatively safe, I hurried to a place where no one was there to change clothes, after changing clothes, I want to go home to see my parents, just I didn’t go back to save people."

  When meeting

  Feeling "Saved the Happiness of a Family"

  On June 3, Wang Zhaoli rushed to Zhou Zhaoqian's station to thank the life-saving benefactor.

  The reporter from the Beiqing Daily learned from Zhou Zhaoqian's troops that Zhou Zhaoqian is 24 years old, and he has excellent professional qualities, integrity and willingness to help others. He was repeatedly commended by superiors and participated in peacekeeping missions in South Sudan in 2017. "Blue Helmet".

  Zhou Zhaoqian said, "Actually, I don't think this matter is very special. I think every comrade will go into the water to save people if they are in my position at the time. But then I heard Wang Chaoli said that he is the father of two children, and I am even more I felt that it was not just a person's life that was saved, but also the happiness of the family."

  Wang Zhaoli told the Beiqing Daily reporter that his boss is 6 years old this year, and the second child is just 1 year old. "At present, both children are not really sensible. I have saved this photo and video. When the children are sensible, I will tell them about the PLA’s rescue of their father."

  Text/Reporter Qu Chang Correspondent Zhang Xiaokun

  Co-ordination/Chi Haibo

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