The confinement left traces in the body of many French people, especially if it was marked by excesses. But it is possible to correct the situation thanks to what we put on our plate. In "Without appointment" this Thursday on Europe 1, the naturopath Angèle Ferreux-Maeght delivers her tips. 

Bad complexion, deficiencies, extra pounds ... These two months of confinement have left traces in the bodies and immune systems of many French people. Now that it is easier to leave your home, it is time to strengthen your intestinal flora, a fortiori at a time when the coronavirus is still circulating on French territory. If "no miracle product" exists, consuming certain ingredients can however be of great help.

At the microphone of " Without appointment " this Thursday, the naturopath and head Angèle Ferreux-Maeght gives her tips for quickly finding "a good immune system", but also a better skin tone.

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Strengthen your intestinal flora with probiotics

To strengthen your intestinal microbiota, you have to "bet on probiotics", explains the specialist, that is to say products that contain living microorganisms that have a beneficial effect on the body. "We find it quite simply by consuming raw foods, like carrots or cucumbers, but also lacto-fermented products like raw sauerkraut, kefir, or fresh cheeses."


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Fight fatigue with magnesium

If you have a little tiredness, it is possible that it is due to a lack of magnesium. In this case, do not hesitate to eat "a banana, almonds, cereals, seafood, but also, if you are the greedy type, dark chocolate", details Angèle Ferreux-Maeght. But be careful, you have to buy "a quality chocolate, very rich in cocoa, and consume very little".

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Regain a beautiful skin tone with vitamin D and beta-carotene

After two months of sunbathing from a window, it is possible that the body is in lack of vitamin D. But there again your plate can help to fill this deficiency: "We find some in small fatty fish, like herring , sardines and tuna. But also in eggs, milk, soy drinks, tripe or even liver. " Angèle Ferreux-Maeght also recommends consuming provitamins A, more often known as beta-carotene. They are easily found in "carrots and turmeric", but also in sweet potatoes, spinach, pumpkin, apricots, and mangoes.