Recently, Mr. Zhang in Zhongshan City, Guangdong, after work, withdrew money in an ATM near the company, but was trapped in the glass room of the ATM. After the firemen arrived, they instructed them to save themselves, and they were finally rescued.

  After receiving the police, the firemen quickly rushed to the glass room where Mr. Zhang was trapped. Firefighters observed that the glass at the bottom of the glass house had a gap of about 30 cm from the ground, so he tried to drill out from underneath. Because of his large size, Mr. Zhang was unsuccessful.

  Afterwards, the firemen used hydraulic door openers to break the glass house door. Since there was no suitable focus outside the door, in order to quickly rescue Mr. Zhang, he could only hand the door opener to Mr. Zhang from the gap below and instruct Mr. "self-help".

  A minute later, a clear sound came from the door lock, the door was successfully opened, and Mr. Zhang was successfully rescued. Upon inspection, Mr. Zhang was not injured. (Wang Jianshi Junhao Ruan Yingluo)

Editor in charge: [Song Fangcan]