Healthcare professionals are on the front line in the fight against Covid-19. - Cedrick-Isham CALVADOS / AFP

  • In France, since the start of the epidemic, 6,019 potential cases of contamination have been reported among healthcare professionals.
  • Among them, around fifteen deaths have been made public.
  • Small inventory of the situation and (big) tribute to those who, on the front line against the epidemic, put their lives on the line to treat the sick.

Since the start of the coronavirus epidemic, 6,019 potential cases of contamination have been reported among health professionals and employees of medico-social establishments, according to Santé publique France. Among them, around fifteen deaths have so far been made public.

General practitioners or emergency physicians, nurses, nursing assistants, hospital workers, healthcare executives… Here is an overview of a profession that is paying a heavy price in the fight against Covid-19, due to its exposure to contaminated patients.

  • Doctors

In total, seven practicing doctors have died of the coronavirus in recent weeks, mainly in the Grand Est region, the first focus of contamination in France.

First caregiver killed by Covid-19, Jean-Jacques Razafindranazy, doctor from Madagascar, died on March 21 at the age of 67. Retired for two years, this emergency doctor continued to provide several guards per week at the hospital of Compiègne (Oise).

Sylvain Welling, a 60-year-old general practitioner, died the following day at the Saint-Avold hospital (Moselle). This family doctor who practiced in the commune of L'Hôpital, also in Moselle, had been admitted to intensive care a few days earlier.

Gynecologist-obstetrician, Jean-Marie Boegle died the same day at the Dijon CHU. This 66-year-old practitioner worked in a clinic in Mulhouse (Haut-Rhin) where he is said to have contracted the virus from one of his patients, according to the establishment.

Also deceased on March 22, at the hospital in Colmar, Mahen Ramloll, 70, worked as a general practitioner in a cabinet in Fessenheim (Haut-Rhin). According to the regional press, this native of Mauritius would have confided to a colleague to have been in contact with infected patients.

Olivier-Jacques Schneller, 68, died during the same weekend at the hospital in Trévenans (Territoire-de-Belfort). According to the mayor of Couthenans, commune of Haute-Saône where he owned his office, this country doctor had fallen ill fifteen days earlier.

Sixth doctor swept away by the epidemic, André Charon died on April 3 in the Haut-Rhin. Aged 73, he decided to stay in business due to the shortage of general practitioners in his sector and practiced in the nursing home in Folgensbourg, near Switzerland.

A seventh doctor, whose name has not been made public, died at the end of March at the Belle-Isle hospital in Metz. This 50-year-old practitioner worked at the regional hospital center (CHR) of Metz, according to the management of the establishment.

A platform for listening to caregivers in psychological distress

- 20 Minutes (@ 20Minutes) April 9, 2020
  • Nurses

A 51-year-old nurse, employee of the La Résidence Sévigné nursing home in Saint-Maur-des-Fossés (Val-de-Marne), died at her home the night of April 3 to 4. This mother, employed for a year in this residence, "presented symptoms suggestive of Covid-19", according to the LNA Health group which owns the establishment.

upset this evening by the death of the director of care at the Montfermeil hospital and of an ARS IDF official, COVID 19 is hitting the hospital world hard but we will not give up the fight, valiant and courageous we will save the most sick all together. #aphp

- Patrick Pelloux (@PatrickPelloux) March 30, 2020
  • Caregivers

A nursing assistant from the La Filature nursing home in Mulhouse died of Covid-19 on April 8. The 48-year-old woman, whose name has not been released, "had three children," according to the Korian group, the owner of the establishment. His colleagues denounced the lack of equipment available to them.

A caregiver at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital in Paris died Thursday evening after several days in intensive care, according to union sources. The 59-year-old was working in radiology and had no other medical conditions, one of the sources told AFP.

  • Hospital workers

Two agents of the Public Assistance - Paris Hospitals (AP-HP) succumbed at this stage of the Covid-19. According to the AP-HP, which announced their deaths Thursday, the first worked at the Bichat hospital which he had integrated in 1980 and where he was in intensive care.

The second died at his home. He had been working since 1993 "as a maintenance electrician at Antoine-Béclère hospital" in Clamart (Hauts-de-Seine), where he had spent his entire career, AP-HP said in a press release.

  • Health executives

The director of care at the Montfermeil-Le Raincy hospital (Seine-Saint-Denis), Elena Mamelli, died on March 29. This 52-year-old nurse had worked for nearly thirty years in this establishment, according to Le Parisien.

An executive from the Ile-de-France Regional Health Agency (ARS), Pierre Housieaux, also died of Covid-19. Member of the crisis unit, "he was among the first to respond to the call for internal mobilization launched a month and a half ago," according to ARS.


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  • Health
  • Doctor
  • Covid 19
  • Coronavirus