Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Medical School announced their development of a possible vaccine for "Covid-19". Animal experiments have achieved good results, but tests on humans are still in the planning stage.

And in a report for the "Observatory of the Future" of the "Dubai Future Foundation", Andrea Gambuto, the writer participating in the peer-reviewed study in the journal EPO Medicine and a professor of adjuvant surgery at the College of Medicine in Pittsburgh, said in a statement, "We have many experiments on the SARS virus." -Cove in 2003 and March-Cove in 2014, which are very close to the SARS-Cove-2 virus, and they learned through them the presence of the important thorn protein in developing immunity to the virus. We know how to counter the virus. ” The vaccine was called "Petkovac", which is an acronym for the Corona Pittsburgh Virus vaccine.

Antibodies in animals were able to neutralize the SARS-Cove-2 virus two weeks after receiving the vaccine. The new vaccine is given by means of a medical patch with about 400 tiny needles. After applying the patch to the skin, the needles made of sugar and protein dissolve without leaving any traces.

"We developed the method that was used to administer the smallpox vaccine using the technique, without causing any pain," said Lewis Fallow, professor of dermatology at the College of Medicine in Pittsburgh and associate author of the study.

Researchers are seeking FDA approval to initiate human experiments. "It takes about a year for the vaccine to be tested on patients, perhaps more," Fallo said. This situation is unlike anything we have encountered before, and we do not know the clinical mechanism of disease development. ”

The vaccine does not need to be refrigerated

Labels are produced in factories on a large scale, and the vaccine does not need to be refrigerated, but Andrea Gambuto, the author participating in the study, said: "In most vaccine research, the idea of ​​manufacturing is not discussed much because we develop it later, but when a vaccine is rapidly developed to counter a pandemic, this is the first thing that you examine."

The new vaccine is given by means of a medical patch with approximately 400 tiny needles. After applying the patch to the skin, the needles made of sugar and protein dissolve without leaving any traces.