Yves Camdeborde suggests that you take advantage of the confinement to try your hand at making a homemade brioche, with an easy recipe and a tip that will make your brioche soft.


300 g flour

125 ml milk

2 whole eggs

50 g brown sugar

75 g soft butter

15 g baker's yeast

½ teaspoon fine salt


Dissolve the baker's yeast in the milk.

Put all the other ingredients in a mixer, turn for two minutes on low speed then add the milk.

Spin for 10 minutes. Pour into a buttered and floured brioche pan, and place in an oven at 30 ° C for 30 minutes. Take out the brioche, raise your oven to 180 ° C and bake your brioche for 30 minutes.

Let cool and turn out.