From the first moments of the announcement of the news of the departure of the former Egyptian President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak, on Tuesday, the pages of many celebrities and stars on the social media have appeared mourning, announcing the grief of their owners, and the introduction of words of loyalty to Farewell Mubarak,
Stars from all fields - art, media and sports - were keen to express their shock, in words and testimonies about Hosni Mubarak, the human being, and not only the president, and called everyone with mercy to the late who will be buried today.

"God have mercy on President Mubarak ... He was a great patriotic figure ... he fought for the sake of Egypt he and his colleagues ... and returned our land, pride and dignity to us ... Thank God he lived until he and his children were proven innocent in everything attributed to them," said the star Ilham Shaheen.

The artist added, through her account on "Instagram": "We apologize to you, Mr. President, for all the injustice and lack of loyalty to some of them ... but the majority certainly loves you, respects you, appreciates your patriotism, your accomplishments, your love for Egypt and your fear for it ... There is no ruler in the universe agreed upon by all Opinions .. Every ruling has its pros and cons .. We thank you for all the positives .. We thank you for your brave and respectful stance during the events of January 25 when you stepped down ».

Meanwhile, the singer Amr Diab offered his deepest condolences to the family and the supplication of the late, as well as the artist Mohamed Heneidy, the singer Mohamed Hamaki, the composer Hassan El Shafei, the singer Angham, the artist Amal Maher, the artists Zina, Sabreen, Fifi Abdo, Ghada Abdel Razek, Nisreen Amin, and many others.

Arab artists have expressed their grief at the departure of Mubarak, including Hussein Al Jasmi, Ahlam, Elisa, and others.