Safely (Illustration) - A. GELEBART / 20 MINUTES

Residents of the English Channel have been receiving fraudulent emails supposedly sent by Social Security for a few days. The association for the defense of salaried consumers in the Manche (Indécosa-CGT) alerted internet users to this “phishing” attempt, says France Bleu Cotentin .

They would already be around thirty, living in Cherbourg, to have received this type of message. If the health insurance logo is present, the email address from which the mail is sent ( is more than doubtful.

Social Security warns

Used to this kind of fraudulent practices, Social Security published a message on its website to warn Internet users and reminds that it "never requests the communication of personal information (medical information, Social Security number or contact details) by e-mail outside the secure area of ​​the ameli account ”.

If you receive this type of e-mail, you should not click on any link and delete it.


False numbers of Safely: Fraud evaluated between 117 and 139 million euros

  • Fraud
  • Society
  • phishing
  • Social Security